Strive, Strive | Teen Ink

Strive, Strive

October 1, 2010
By Anonymous

Do not bow under the power of fear
Young ones should not trap themselves in a well
Strive, strive, for that victory far and near

Though many know of the pain of a sneer
They let their voices ring like a brass bell
Do not bow under the power of fear

Others grow silent, wary of the tear
In their hearts, that will bind them in a cell
Strive, strive, for that victory far and near

Some now remember those times with a leer
Excitement that came when they nearly fell
Do not bow under the power of fear

Few know that those moments add to life’s cheer
For that is what cowards will rarely sell
Strive, strive, for that victory far and near

To live, you must eventually shear
The self-inflicted pain (we all can tell)
Do not bow under the power of fear
Strive, strive, for that victory far and near

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