I am the Night | Teen Ink

I am the Night

October 4, 2010
By Listygirl SILVER, Lafayette, Indiana
Listygirl SILVER, Lafayette, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never mess with a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!" Clunk - The Princess Bride

I am the night
I journey through day
To my high place in the heavens
To where I’ll stay
I bathe the earth with things not light
And demonstrate power and my might

I am dark, but not evil
I hade some light
Boys grow scared and girls hold dolls tight
But look in the right place
And you will find
A beautiful moon and stars that shine

People will find what treasure there is
In beautiful light masked as darkness
A moon that stares with no disguise
And stars that twinkle like a jolly man’s eyes
Instead of birds, crickets chirp
And nothing frightening in the shadow lurks

So close you eyes and sleep past dawn
Lay your head down with a big yawns

So close you eyes and sleep past dawn
Lay your head down with a big yawn
You’ll wake tomorrow as the birds sing
Your Mama making breakfast as the cooking pots ring
Wait for me after dusk and after light
And I will come for I am night

The author's comments:
I am still trying to write poems and I know that a lot of it is not good, but please give me any comments, because I'd be grateful for anything

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