The Steak Out | Teen Ink

The Steak Out

September 30, 2010
By Jonathan Prins BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Jonathan Prins BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jason was going to his job at Wal- Mart in New York.

Though a sunny day in new York still finds himself at work.

Once work was over he went to the bank to get money.

Then a guy wearing all black enteres, to jason, he looked funny.//

In a split second, he raised his gun to the air, and all went down.
As jason went down he needed an idea, he sees a phone he found
Before he reacts, the robber says give m,e all your cash.
Jason being scared handed all the money in a quick flash//

Minute by minute , silence is felt through the room.
"Just a tip" said the theif. "if the cops come this bank will go boom"
Jason, being a scared cow in a slaughter house, obeyed rules.
All were scared because he can kill them all with all his fuel.

Jason couldn't take it anymore he wnted to end it quickly.
Though scared he really believed the cops will come swiftlty.
Looking though the window Jason seea a cop car.
Though coming close, it is still very far from the bank//

Finally a voice from outside can be heard from the crowded.
He says 'put your hand in the air, we have you surrounded"
The robber now says" i warned you, now you all die!"
Everyone in the bank including jason began to cry.

The cops began to laugh and no one knew why they did.
The cops began to say "you cant fool us with that fib"
Those weapons are fake indeed they arent legit.
With knowlege of that everyone got into a fit

With the robber exposed everyone can go home free
In the bank for 4 hours jason really had to pee
Once home jason emptied his bladder and went to bed
After the napp he desperatly needed to be fed.

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