Ode to Anger | Teen Ink

Ode to Anger

June 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Driving home in my car;
Trying not to let your harsh words affect me.
I thought I knew you, my best friend,
But you left me alone when I needed you most.
After all we’ve been through together,
I’m sorry for all the times I hurt you,
But I never once let you down
Or hurt you like you hurt me today.
You say we need to say goodbye for a while,
But what if I don’t know how to say goodbye to my best friend?
You stole a part of me that I can’t replace,
And I feel like nothing you do or say can heal the pain
You left in it it’s place.

But here comes my father with his big bear arms
That hug me as I cry. He wipes away the tears
And heals the fresh wounds you left me.

Here comes my mother with her jaguar’s tongue
That reminds me that I’m a strong person,
And don’t need your approval to be happy in life.

Here comes my baby sister with her innocent puppy dog eyes
That shower me with unconditional love,
More valuable than anything you ever gave me.

Here comes my sister with the heart of a lioness
That shares my pain and gives me all the comfort I need.
My truest and most loyal friend who’s there for me
To explain to me the harshness and beauty of the world.

She doesn’t realize the friendship she’s lost.
You don’t need to put up with her mind games.
She needs to figure herself out,
But you don’t need to change, you’re perfect the way you are.

Big bear arms, jaguar’s tongue, puppy dog eyes, lioness heart.
They heal me,
They strengthen me,
They love me,
They comfort me more than you ever could.

I don’t want to let you go.
I need to let you go.
I’m letting you go.

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This article has 1 comment.

Michelle said...
on Sep. 1 2008 at 8:44 pm
I love this. I know exactly what you feel, and this touched me. Keep writing.