Looking into its eyes | Teen Ink

Looking into its eyes

September 23, 2010
By Lynaye BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Lynaye BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love to wake it up, when it’s sleep,
When I can’t sleep, our eyes shall meet,
It teaches me music, art, and history,
It shows me all I want to see,
When I look into its eyes, I see honesty,
When it is raining and thundering outside,
We don’t see eye to eye,
I think it is afraid of the storming sky,
Because when the wind is blowing,
It can’t stay focused on what it needs to show me,
But when the weather calms down,
It starts to come around,
And then it will be it and me,
And when it is late at night,
And it starts to overheat,
I can’t say no, but I need my sleep,
So I must turn it away, until another day,
Soon again our eyes shall meet.

The author's comments:
We had to talk about something without telling what it is.

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