Nowaki | Teen Ink


September 14, 2010
By suian-kumori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
suian-kumori SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Silence is golden
Or so people say
But i experience this pause
Almost every day
Sometimes i break the tension
With a yawn or a cough
But with that i'll be lucky
To get even a scoff
The truth behind silence
Is what i will say
Silence is bronze
Be that as it may
Especially after
A long talk with mom or dad
I get those long pauses
After witch i get mad
Why do they say
That silence is gold
When silence is not
How can they bo so bold?
It's only a saying
But i know what is true
And my friends the truth is
They're lying to you
Parents use this phrase
Thinking you'll know
that you should be quiet
But it's all just a show
Parents tell you "be polite"
"don't go out in fits"
But using that phrase
Makes then hypocrites
So come together kids
Let us ourselves be bold
So we might outlaw the saying
Silence is gold

The author's comments:
This is a poem about junjou egoist, written from hiroki's view, I can't say for sure why i wrote it...but i like it...

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