Salem Was Just the Start | Teen Ink

Salem Was Just the Start

September 8, 2010
By lucyj715 SILVER, Saint Ann, Missouri
lucyj715 SILVER, Saint Ann, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Wishing is fine to do, but don't expect it to happen, unless you take a stand and try to MAKE it happen."

To those whose breath was drawn from their lungs
To those whose souls were ripped from their shells
To those whose bodies were reduced to bones
And to those who were left to wait in a cage,
Do not let your spirits remain bitter and dark
In the land of the dead waiting for justice to start.
It was those foul emotions that planted the seed.
It started with your murder but it still isn't done.
Causing destruction and fear but its only begun.
These people with different ways that they think
all these people who don't carry the same beliefs.
It'll start out small, just one murder again.
Next thing you know we're all long gone.
We've finally caused our own dramatic end.

The author's comments:
I've always been enthralled an horrified by the events that occurred during the Salem Witchcraft Trials. In my 11th grade english class we recently spent some time covering the topic. I also have been paying more attention to news lately and noticed a dreadful connection between the events in Salem and the unjust and malicious brutality that has been directed at Islam. Once again it is a case of fearing and reacting to something or someone that we might not understand. Either way if it is not held in check it will end in disaster.

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