Forget to Remember | Teen Ink

Forget to Remember

November 2, 2007
By Anonymous

Remember December the Crimson Death Trembles
The fire that fueled the memories’ embers
I looked from the sky in farce hopes to remember
The days before Crimson began to Dismember
The thoughts, the plots, the ‘nots’, the ‘gots’
The little girl crying because she forgot
For before December of coarse is November
The days when the sky held a glowing red ember
In spite of the dying, the little girl crying
Rests hearts under heads with a softness so tender
Mixed thoughts in a blender, mixed thoughts in a blender
These radical thoughts make it hard to remember
The splendor, good splendor, hold tight to my hand
Without your firm grip I’d be but a pretender
November, November think hard and defend her
From lashes on backs and in minds not remembered
Yet wilting red roses in gardens of thick
Surrounded by hedge filth, twisted and sick
When all hope descends and the Scarlet sky blinds
Think back to the devil, wrangled and writhed
And how in December he killed a pretender
By licking his lips and pointing his finger
Whilst apt in the morgue of November’s quick death
Is the gender, so tender, of he who is blessed
It was most unequivocal, the end of December
For that, that alone, I will always remember

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