What is love? | Teen Ink

What is love?

November 1, 2007
By Anonymous

What is love?
Love is the warm summer breeze;
Love is giving someone the power to break your heart;
But trusting them not too.
Love is the weakness in your knees.

Love is the feeling of butterflies in your tummy;
Love is blasting your music;
And dancing like there's no tomorrow.
Love is fresh baked cookies;
Oh so yummy.

Love is walking on the beach;
Holding hands.
Love is the warmth of the sun on your face;
Love is the feeling of his tight embrace.

Love is lying beneath the stars;
Love is the thrill of driving a speeding car.
Love is shoe shopping;
The last pair in your size;
Love is the thrill of gazing into each other's eyes.

Love is the smell of a boquet of flowers;
Fresh and sweet;
It gives you power.

Love is his kisses;
Soft and sweet.
Love is his ability to sweep you off your feet.

Love is the sound of your cell phone ringing in the middle of the night;
Love is running around singing crazily;
It feels so right.

So now you know what love is;
Though you need to experience it yourself;
It's a once in a lifetime deal;
These words don't even begin to describe it;
So why hide it?

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