Eager McBeaver (Learning his Lesson) | Teen Ink

Eager McBeaver (Learning his Lesson)

September 29, 2007
By Anonymous

Oh little, little rabbit, Eager McBeaver
what now.

Oh Eager McBeaver
was hated by the town
for all the trouble he committed.
As he did act like a clown.

Oh Eager McBeaver
lost all his friends,
he didn’t speak with anyone
Oh McBeaver was miserable.

Oh Mr. Flip despised McBeaver
and McBeaver’s siblings made sure they never
followed his path.
As it was a wrath.
What a trouble maker.

Oh Eager McBeaver’s parents made him do
community service for all the
trouble he caused.

Oh one day everyone treated McBeaver
like trash.

But oh Eager McBeaver had a plan
to repay for all the destruction
he caused by having a party.

Oh Eager McBeaver invited the whole town at his house.
The innovation card said, “From McBeaver”
but many didn’t want to come,
but it said, “Free refreshments and food. That grabbed the spectators attention
as if they got detention.

The next day McBeaver set up everything
and the whole town was there to here his speech.
There was pizza, hot dogs, soda, the whole sha-bang.
They couldn’t believe he did this for them.

Oh in Eager McBeaver’s speech he apologized to everyone and helped Mr. Flip
replant his garden, and played with his friends.
He made up his mistake.
And was no more a snake.
He thought the past was the past, and today he started fresh.

Oh the great thing was McBeaver helped his town become the best.
And it was honored as best town in the state of Missouri.
Oh because of McBeaver the town was blessed.

And oh did the town’s people give him a certificate for his excellency.

Oh little, little rabbit, Eager McBeaver
learned his lesson and became a great honor.

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