Him | Teen Ink


August 9, 2010
By Anonymous

Time passes,
roads have been paved
but you came into my life
hand & hand until our road had its divide,
you took let i took right,

i break off a piece of my heart,
hoping you'll take car of it,
so long, farewll my love
we always sadi there would never be the end of it,
of us, do you remember?

i reminise of all teh times we had
all the good,
trying to forget the bad.
the decision was for the best
i know it was
but in the end it killed one of us..

they say "time heals a broken heart",
but how long?, how many days
i sit here writting, wondering if you feel the same

but in the end, im glad you came into my life
& i hope this isn't the last
i wish you good luck and God bless
i truely love you,
and never the less,

The author's comments:
jumpping into relationships makes us sometimes feel happy, but in the end it crashes too fast,

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