September 26, 2007
By Anonymous

First day of middle school. I don’t know what to do! And most of all I really have to--wash my face.

My alarm went off late, a quarter to nine, I missed the bus and that’s not fine!

My mom calls to me, “Billy, hurry up! I am not kidding, I’ve had enough! Can’t drive you to school, later we’ll talk. I guess now, that you’ll just have to walk!”

I had no time for breakfast, so I grabbed an orange, and I wasn’t paying attention so I closed my finger in the door hinge! OWWWW!

My new school is a huge, large, great, big place! I am all alone, not one kind face. And it’s not long before I hear, “Haha that kid is in his underwear.”

“That’s so funny!” I said, “Where! Tell me where!”
“Right there,” the kid said, “It’s you with the red ants in your hair.”
And soon I look down, no pants I could see, but also red ants climbing all over me!

I ran to the nurse, this way and that. I tripped on my lace and fell flat on my back!

“Oh no!” I thought. This could not be true! And the worst thing is, I still had to--wash my face!

I wanted to cry, but the bell had rung, all the kids in the hallway, the tears in my lungs.

I see now that they were leaving, oh, one and all, and none of them noticed my big, terrible fall!

Yes! No one saw me! Safe I now was, safe from all of the bad gossip and buzz. I shouted for joy, “I’m so glad to go home, call my real friends up on the phone.” But then I noticed that that bell kept on ringing, it would just go and go. Oh, that noise, it hurt my ears so!

All of a sudden I hear, “Get up Billy dear!”
“It’s time for school, and just stop with the drool!”

It was just a dream, a nightmare in all, and my real first day of school was not bad, not bad at all!

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