Alice in the River | Teen Ink

Alice in the River

July 14, 2010
By PercillaBirch BRONZE, North Las Vegas, Nevada
PercillaBirch BRONZE, North Las Vegas, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I want to live. I want to grow. I want to see. I want to know. I want share all I can give. I want to be. I want to live." --John Denver from I Want to Live

Down the river Alice goes
Flailing slightly against the flows
The rapids come and turn her ‘round
Throw her up and pull her down
She dances now with the waves
But by a boulder she is soon saved
The water pulls at her feet
“Come play with me.” she swears it speaks
She doesn’t answer she can barley breathe
Her arms and hnads begin to seize
She is so tired numb and cold
And before she knows it she has let go
The water rejoices and plays its fill
But soon the girl is cold and still.
The water sighs at what it has done
For now it can have no more fun
The water slows and Alice sinks
Her long blond curls upward reach
She floats alond the river bed
Sweet and still in icy death
Gold dust sticking to her hand
As it scrapes along the sand
Far down the river from where she fell
Her body is pushed upon a knoll.
A fisherman sees her but runs in fear
Claiming death will soon be near.
The preetiest picture Alice makes
Icy blue with golden flakes
One brave villager comes close
Inspects the child who frightens most
“It’s just a drowned girlcovered in gold”
Suddenly the villagers have been sold
“Gold!” they cry grabbing any pan
They’ll find all the gold they can.
A small child though stays by her side
Knowing she’s the only one who cries
For the greed of men conquers fear
Though they know death is always near.
As for Alice well, on that hill she stayed
In an unmarked grave where no one prayed.
Except for one sweet child, Lucy by name
Everyday without fail she came
Though she had never known the girl
She felt that someone should love her

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