For the Love of Money | Teen Ink

For the Love of Money

September 1, 2007
By Anonymous

He yells he cries he screams Lord why me why me?Ó A young man in love but his love died this morning around 3 Now heÕs laid up in a hospital bed attached to an IV Seems lively but he knows in a few hours he may not breathe But heÕll die from a broken heart not the fact that he been shootinÕ crack and got HIV Right now thatÕs the last thing on his mind HeÕs thinking of when he falls asleep and wakes up with God on his side HeÕs got tears in his eyes but he sees no surprise He didnÕt treat his love right but itÕs too late now his love died This morning now heÕs laid up in the bed mourninÕ The slits in his wrists getting covered with Neosporin But the blood is still pourinÕ his blood pressure is soarinÕ Room starts spinninÕ he opens his mouth and starts roarinÕ He yells he cries he screams Why me why me?Ó ItÕs a horrible sight for the eyes to see Security guard runs in the room with a gun on his hip The man grabs it and gives the officer a pistol whip Points it at the doctor and threatens to shoot If he doesnÕt move as sure as one plus one equals two Then he stands up and screams and rips the chords out of his body Runs into the hospital lobby and yells No one try to stop meÓ Holds the pistol to his head and envisions his love A man runs to stop him now the wallÕs covered with blood Put his hand to his chest and starts deeply breathinÕ He just killed a man he can hardly believe it His lawyer walks through the door and takes one to his tummy Then our friend kills himself the act was quite stunning Now heÕs laid out on the floor body lookinÕ banged up He died for the love of the money 3 oÕclock this morning he went Bankrupt

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