Autumn | Teen Ink


July 23, 2010
By ERhhm BRONZE, Sydney, Other
ERhhm BRONZE, Sydney, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let love in.

The sun greeting a smile
A cool breeze in the while;
Painting the perfect scene
A sensation unseen.
Oh, how beautiful the feeling.

Dappled leaves falling,
Twisting, twirling.
Playing playfully together
Creating a blur of colour.
Oh, how beautiful the sight.

Children carelessly frolicking
As they squal with laughter delighting
Playing in the park
Watching the sky turning dark.
Oh, how beautiful the sound.

The orange, yellow and red overtaking the pavements.
The sun smiling brightly
Acoompanied with a breeze.
A cold thats contagious
Spreading wildly like disease.
Dark skies by six
Indoors with family.

Oh, how beautiful autumn is.

The author's comments:
I wrote this in seventh grade as an English task.

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