Skipping Stones | Teen Ink

Skipping Stones

September 1, 2007
By Anonymous

skipping stones to prove that you can never mind now that you're almost a man act like a boy, it might be your last chance we leave our childhoods so we may advance skipping stones for old times' sake for one last time, before it's too late one last time, before we leave home the river remains, but it's our time to roam skipping stones to show off to the girls as if it were the coolest thing in the world and maybe it was, back in the day but we've grown and have different games to play skipping stones and joking around wait 'til the last moment to put our feet on the ground once we leave, who knows when we'll come back? who know where we'll go on our different tracks? skipping stones as the sink down deep and whatever happens, the memory's ours to keep the river remains, but the river keeps flowing whatever changes, we'll still keep going skipping stone for one last time but when we leave, I hope you'll find through skipping stones and climbing trees we've forged eternal memories skipping stones to prove that you can never mind now that you're almost a man one last times, before we must leave through skipping stones and climbing trees we've forged eternal memories

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