Beauty | Teen Ink


October 27, 2007
By Anonymous

Beauty is only skin-deep.
In the eye of the beholder.
That's what they all say.

I ask myself
Is one blessed with beauty?
Does someone else see it as lifelong curse?
Does beauty truly last forever?
Is it only a state of mind?
Beauty can be intriguing.
Beauty can be hard to imagine.
Depending on how beauty is defined.

Beauty can be horrible
Beauty can be someone's blessing
Beauty can be someone's curse
It can bring someone up
Break someone else down

Beauty can be true. Beauty can be wonderful.
Beauty can lie. Beauty can deceive.
Am I beautiful?
Am I beautiful to someone else's eyes?
One day I'll stare into my reflection
I'll feel the blessing of beauty
The next day, I'll see the same person
Only that day, beauty is a curse.

One's view of beauty towards myself
Whether they see me as beautiful or not
Will never be important, even if it hurts.

Beauty is vain.
Beauty is true.
Beauty is a lie.
Beauty is a state of mind.

Beauty is only skin-deep.
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder.
Beauty will always matter on the inside.

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