Rock the World | Teen Ink

Rock the World

May 30, 2008
By Anonymous

The future class of 2012,
we've had fun so far,
into the future we will go,
by plane or bus and car.

Our class is very active,
you may say gruff and wild,
outside we grow into adults,
though inside is a child.

We're like a family unit,
like sisters and like brothers,
one second we'll be laughing,
then we'll start screaming at each other.

When the tough times hit,
they say the tough get going,
but we shall stick together,
with our unity a-showin'.

With so many crazy antics,
you know we'll have a ball,
yet we will sticck together,
together though it all.

And we'll survive the teachers,
with Mr. Memmer's true life stories,
Mrs. Shoppenhorst's bad jokes,
and Mrs. Englemen's folk tales gory.

So we've got the world ahead of us,
our lives ready to unfurl,
In our own special ways,
We know We'll rock the world.

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