Hiding The Pain | Teen Ink

Hiding The Pain

May 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Pain is something that people try to hide.
It comes from the past, present, and future.
Trying to hide it is a difficult thing.
People see you depressed and sad.
They ask you what is wrong and you continue to say,
“oh nothing."
But deep down inside, you just want to break out and say,
How much it hurts and how you want it to stop and go away.
But you continue to shut it all inside,
Not letting anything in or letting anything out.
All I have to say to you is," LET IT OUT!"
Because there is someone, somewhere,
Who is going through it too.
The only way to make it stop and go away is to.
Because then and ONLY then can you get help.
You say you don't want to tell anyone, so you sit there,
In the corner crying and hurting inside because of the pain.
The pain that you hide inside
Hiding the pain is a difficult thing.

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