I Work Hard To Be Pretty | Teen Ink

I Work Hard To Be Pretty

May 30, 2008
By Anonymous

I work hard to be pretty.
Watching everything I eat.
I work hard to be pretty.
Creams and masks at night,
For god forbid I get a blemish on
My complexion or else I REFUSE to leave the house.

I work hard to be pretty.
Curling my hair instead of doing my homework.
I work hard to be pretty.
Tanning every single day.
I work hard to be pretty.
Bleaching strips and shiny teeth.

I work hard to be pretty.
Contacts and makeup by the pound.
I work hard to be pretty.
Endless hours of shopping looking
For the perfect outfit.

Oh I work so hard to be pretty.
Walking in heels so tall, and yet I feel so little.
Oh how hard I work to be pretty.
And yet I feel so ugly.
You make me feel oh so not lovely.

Oh how hard I work to fit your mold.
I can't describe how hard I work to satisfy you.
How hard I work to be perfect.
How hard I try to be the just like the girl on your TV screen
You know, the one that you lust for.

How hard i work to be a copy, a clone, an empty shell of a person.
A socially infected drone, a slave, eagerly obeying your every instruction flipping through each and every
Page of your magazine. I hang by your every word.

You promise so much if I reach the impossible goal you've set for me.
The glamour, the limelight, the love, the happiness. the sweet lying illusion.

Oh how hard I work to be pretty, and yet all my heart wants is to be free.

So I won’t pretend anymore.
Because whether you love me or not...i'll always be me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 18 2010 at 9:55 pm
MinTYicEcrEAm SILVER, Califon, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments
i can totally relate to this. thx for writing it!