Seven Unique Days | Teen Ink

Seven Unique Days

May 29, 2008
By Anonymous

They are the only seven that will ever exist.
Few embrace each of them.
Seven days, with seven different reasons to live.
Seven repeated 52 times a year.
Seven has the potential to succeed, but also to defeat.
I can try to plan for them on my calendar but each has a plan of its own.
Their future is unknown to all.
They are all I have.
They go by so fast, yet they are never- ending.
They lift me up in times of triumph, leaving me begging for more.
They bring me down when tragedy strikes, questioning why me?
They are a rollercoaster.
They are full with memories, wishes, hopes, and fears.
I cannot get ahead or fall behind.
They keep moving.
When I need a change or a new outlook, they are there.
When I feel as if I cannot go on, they keep pushing me forward.
Seven who can always be counted on.
Seven who will never leave you behind.
Seven who are the basis of life as we know it.

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