How can I compare? | Teen Ink

How can I compare?

May 28, 2008
By Anonymous

How can I compare you to anything on earth?
Only from the heaven from which you came at birth,
Can I really start to portray the angel that you are.
The love you have for others that stretches so far.

Your love and care cannot compare to any shooting star,
Your love far out surpassing the trail a star leaves afar.
Your love a thing so tangibly felt like a blanket encircling.
Your love a thing so well known, a celebrity in the making.

Your voice a celestial sound that enraptures all around,
Your voice a voice that uplifts and carries, messages profound.
Your voice as strong as trumpets, to add courage to the soul,
Your voice as calm as Sunday bells in our ears do toll.

Your life a light to others, who in darkness have been,
Your life like bread to the starving has filled me within.
Your life like water to a drought has been taken in.
Your life a home for the homeless your life has been akin.

How can I compare you to anything on earth?
How can I find something that comes close to your worth?
But as I said before nothing on earth can I compare,
No land or sea, or mountain only heaven up there

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