Song of Myself | Teen Ink

Song of Myself

June 25, 2010
By audreyl BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
audreyl BRONZE, Thornwood, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I breathe deep; I think deep
Into me hurries Life, batting away the inconsistencies
of my earth.
Its satisfying aggression barrels further.
Knocking me to the soil beneath my soles.
I breathe deep.

I need nothing more than that soil.
It’s rich brown lather tantalizing my skins…
It’s oriental musk rising to my nostrils in puffs of smoke…
It’s mahogany gems glimmering within moonlight…
Dark dearth hiding its lonely opulence from the passersby

I stop and admire its perplexing crystals
Yet only my dim reflection manifests
Such wondrous secrets lie there
Waiting to be unfolded… and
Waiting to be invited… and
Waiting to be marveled upon


I had breathed the breath of the universe
Of the divine, the cerebral, the mysterious and the ignored obvious
Unwinding the thread of knowledge
As a kite would its leash when soaring

As the globe circumvolved the universe
Humanity acclimated to the planet’s pulse…

If you settle, you can feel the swirl and
Hear the stars glide by

In this moment of full of movement–
The throbbing existence of infinity will console you
It exists in all: the foaming of a river rapid,
The singing of the wings of a dragonfly,
The hammering of a woodpecker, and even,
The thumping of your own blistered heart.


Staring up flakes commence to fall
Crisp, cold, sheets of ivory
Tossing and turning about my limbs
You tease my tongue with your icy cool liquid
I try to catch your passive magnificence…
Bring it within… me
Yet as we make contact you vanish!

You teach me… nothing is forever
Not life… nor death… nor our fleeting moment in white;
But for this moment we swirl in your opaque blanket
And hear your powder landing on the stale still ground

I suppose one day that too will transform
You did teach me “nothing is permanent”

But that’s not all…

You intricate web of ice draws me to the beauty of life
So small, so complex, nothing is left simple…
Nothing is black or white… but all is variations of gray
Light itself split into a spectrum of infinite color,
Yet, you are pure white reflecting all


Why is everything so distinctive?
Why is everything so parallel?
We share energy… nothing else.
Stark snowflake I give you my energy as you turn to water
You give me your liveliness when you swirl to my palm

Nothing else matters except for this exchange
We could live on forever sharing energy with everyone
We are each other… as much as ourselves

Care to whisper your secrets as you stun me?
I want to hear them, feel them, be them
Let me be them… please let me be them
You’ve left me now… sweet ivory…
I don’t miss you,


I breathed your knowledge! I did!
If only I could decode your skies,
Midnight Indigo and placid

Stars winking down at me
Hiding an endless sea of lucidity
My quest for your knowledge is unquenchable
Quench it! Let me in!

But your doors are locked
Petals clammed for the night
And the light is sheltered out from my world

You have teased me… I, still restless, tarry on


At the edge of your ocean I plead to drown
Engulfed in your wash, made pure in your light
Let me fall into your tidal waves
Where you deepest currents weave me
Float me on your tide out far beyond my sphere

When seemingly alone in iridescent waters
I will be one with the universe, one with you

Drift with me… Invite me out… Breathe me in…

The author's comments:
Walt Whitman Inspired Piece.

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