If I Was a Pirate | Teen Ink

If I Was a Pirate

May 22, 2010
By Levina_M GOLD, Some City, Texas
Levina_M GOLD, Some City, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Loyalty to petrified opinions never once broke a human chain or freed a human soul- and it never will
- Mark Twain

If I was a pirate
I would sail a ship
Along the oceans she would whip
Her name would be Mary Jane the Great
And I’d fill her with all sorts of bait
Shrimp, fishies, worms, all heavy in weight
Fish hard and eat well with my first mate
Who’s name would be Davy McGrate
His hair would be red
And his breath I would dread
And always in a scream he’d said
Get your bloody arse over here
Or you’ll be dead

For snobby rich folks we waits
While we drink grog and wish for hot dates
Along comes richies red flags that makes us irates
Cannon balls obliterate
We’d board and take the gold
But stop to make fun of wigs white and old
Richie folks scream in terror
And tell us our life style is full of error
But little to less we could carer
We left them to sink
While we celebrate with a drink
And music that could make a dog turn pink
Punder and pillage
The people of the underground mole village
Party harty
Not caring if we sound smarty
Battle the kracken
With harpoons we did smack him
But the horror
Or being a kracken explorer
Soon has us packin’
Funky clothes, jewels, and tats
Extravagant hats
And terrorizing the neighbors cats
Burying treasure
Making faulty maps for pleasure

Ah the life of a pirate you see
Is full of adventure just for me
Sail high and low on the sea
If only if only sighs little ol’ me

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