We Are the Leaves | Teen Ink

We Are the Leaves

June 4, 2010
By sevans1234 GOLD, Pacifica, California
sevans1234 GOLD, Pacifica, California
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Si tu viens n'importe quand, je ne saurais jamais à quelle heure, m'habiller le cœur." - Antoinne de Saint-Exupery

you're my day when it turns dawn,
you take away that feeling of wanting to yawn,
when were stuck inside a room of crowding voices,
know that i'll always be there to bring you a smile,
to make that sad day a good one,
or to even let at least one laugh escape the depths of your mouth,
as long as you'd swear to do the same,
i really couldn't ask for a better friend,
i love that sleek blond hair,
and your pools of green,
that i can stare into for thousands,
even millions of years,
i love how we talk about the most random things,
and we never know why,
why we started talking about these things in the first place,
you have a four-lettered name that makes me want to to sing,
i love how i'll always be your partner,
and you'll always be mine,
your four-lettered name makes me want to rhyme,
i love how we're just like two golden leaves in the autumn,
blending in with a family of green ones,
i swear,
i don't know what i would do,
if i didn't know you,
you're my first friend with the name of alex,
and now i think i have an idea of what the name alex means:
a sight to behold,
always outgoing,
even a miracle,
and a blessing to every person's life she touches.

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