The Calm After the Storm | Teen Ink

The Calm After the Storm

October 23, 2007
By Anonymous

In the quiet moments
That no one else can know of
The secrets whispered
For no one else to hear
The silent seconds that follow
Our most intimate exposures

In the passion, the anxiety
Strung through the air
Like a vibrant tightrope
Or a delicate clothesline,
Weighted with tender,
Heavy thoughts

In the sentences for which
No response prevails
And all that exists
Is to be
And to know
That we both are thinking
The same thought simultaneously

In the nights that fall
Like raging floods
Through broken dams
And cover us
In recklessness and wonder

In the newness of it all
The novelty of fresh disclosure
The thrill of pure discovery

In the unfurling of each new leaf,
A fragile, glowing wish,
A cadent desire

In the wandering mind,
The aching heart,
The lonesome hands

In the drama of it all,
It is the calm after the storm
That I find intrigues me most

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