If Only You Knew The Universe Like I Do | Teen Ink

If Only You Knew The Universe Like I Do

May 28, 2010
By Pantomime BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
Pantomime BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Perishable wonder lingering like dew
in my eyes like dirt to finger tips
If only you knew the universe like I do.

Spider lilies spinning webs inside you
exhaling the exotic perfume of dreams in lips
perishable wonder lingering like dew.

Breathing softy into petals I find you
life emerging from your rounded hips
If only you knew the universe like I do.

Constellations embedding you
in the paper sails of fleeting ships
spider lilies spinning webs inside you.

I only taste of you
in the blossoming folds of my lips
If only you knew the universe like I do.

Disenchanted lullabies found true
kept you hidden by the milky grips
of perishable wonder lingering like dew
If only you knew the universe like I do.

The author's comments:
i love the universe and how expanse and beautiful it is in chaos. I also believe there is an even bigger universe within our imagination. this poem represents that imaginary universe.

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