Night time lights | Teen Ink

Night time lights

May 26, 2010
By froggyt97 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
froggyt97 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The warmth of the campfire surrounds family and friends, as the night begins to come.
Glow sticks for everyone, as they wave them around like green luminous stars.
Creating the night time lights in the city of Mackinac is the bridge itself.
Walking down the long sandy road I notice other family’s fireworks shooting off in show of patriotism.
I stare off to the sky as it is lit with lights.
The beach is dazzling with the light of the bridge.
The light gives a red fiery blaze to the straits.
As if the fiery water is trying to reach off to somewhere far away.
Rainbows of light are shot into the northern sky.
The tickling wind makes a soft “SWOOSH” sound on the shore line.
My family comes to surround me as the wind rocks the bridge to sleep, in the night time lights.

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