Summer Nights | Teen Ink

Summer Nights

May 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Shrieks of laughter,
The buzzing of bicycles,
As kids finish their games.
The smell of grills and barbeques fill the air.
It is time for dinner,
And a quiet peace takes over the previous chaos
As families stuff their faces with food.
The kids soon return to their play
In the waning summer daylight.
The sun begins to set,
Filling the sky with shades of red, orange, blue, and purple.
The stench of bug spray is overwhelming,
As parents protect their children from the mosquitoes.
A bonfire is started,
The comforting wood-burning smell surrounds everything.
It is time for s’mores,
And the marshmallows are passed around.
The flames dance and spin,
Mesmerizing and hypnotizing in one glance.
These are the summer nights.

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