The Tao of the Daughter | Teen Ink

The Tao of the Daughter MAG

May 14, 2010
By khikhi15 BRONZE, Norco, Louisiana
khikhi15 BRONZE, Norco, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Khiana, get the remote,” he yells.
“School, how was it,” she whispers.

“You're my child. I can tell what you do by how you do it,” he explains.
“I'd know that voice anywhere because you are my daughter,” she explains.
Born into this world,
Growing with each yawn, stretch, and every step you take,
We grow to learn who these people are.
They are not just the people we live with
Or someone we just know.
They are the developers and I am their creation,
Always and forever.
They will continue to love me,
For I am their daughter.
Can't you see?
A little piece of both of them
Is instilled in one me.

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