The Power of a Tornado | Teen Ink

The Power of a Tornado

May 21, 2010
By summerluver1204 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
summerluver1204 BRONZE, Lemont, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The thunder roars across the dark, gray skies
The lightning strikes, lights up the town
The sirens yell, wake up everyone
Warning of a destructive tornado that’s coming

The lightning strikes, lights up the town
The dogs begin to bark, the babies cry
Warning of a destructive tornado that’s coming
Fear takes over, people flee for safety

The dogs begin to bark, the babies cry
The wind picks up, the sky turns green
Fear takes over, people flee for safety
The thunder roars across the dark, gray skies

The lightning strikes, lights up the town
The tornado is here, the sirens roar again
Warning of a destructive tornado that’s coming
Roofs begin to cave, houses are destroyed

The tornado is here, the sirens roar again
The sirens yell, wake up everyone
Roofs begin to cave, houses are destroyed
The thunder roars across the dark, gray skies

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