Let your Light Shine | Teen Ink

Let your Light Shine

May 17, 2010
By UncoolNerd BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
UncoolNerd BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Many people have told me that I've changed, but the truth is... I think I've just found myself."

This loneliness
Will it pass?
Because the aching inside me
seems like it's gonna last

But it that were to come true
Like a nightmarish fairytale
All my hopes and dreams
Would truly fail

So how did I become this way?
Some plans gone wrong, a dream
Without a path to achieve it
I go on like a lifeless stream

But where will I end up at?
A door with unknown behind it
What am I looking for?
Will I find it?

I get through the door
Where do I go now?
The blackness is surrounding me
The voices are screaming loud

They call and call and call
They call out so loud for me
I don't what know what they want, they tell me,
They want to see

But this is so unfamiliar
As I step through the door they cry for joy
I jump back, frightened
They hold me they saw, and they beg for more

I step through again
As I pray they will get their needs
Again they cry out "I can see!"
Then I realize, the light was me.

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