The Marine | Teen Ink

The Marine

May 22, 2008
By Anonymous

The Marine

Here today he says his final goodbyes
One look around he gets some teary eyes

A hug from his father, kiss from mother
Tears from aunts, some advice from his brother

Today he is simply an immature man
Tomorrow he’ll be fighting in soldier’s land

He wanted to fight for the brave and the true
His mother will wait for letters, a few

He’s a marine fighting in some desert
Guns fired, shouts blared, confusion, someone is hurt

Prayers are said at home for a fallen soldier
His mother waits for that dreaded letter

He thinks of family, he starts to write
“I love you, I miss you. I am all right.”

His mother opens the mail with some real fears
These words wrote out, she begins to show tears

“I’m safe for now I will keep on fighting.”
He thinks he can go on, as the sun is lighting

His mother prays everyday for him
Her marine will come home, changed he will seem

As he walks off the plane some men above
Tell him to hug his mom and share their love

Her marine has come home at last
He fought so hard, like heroes in the past

His letters, her prayers, kept both of them strong
The Marines gave him a place to belong

A story of a mother, a brave son
A better story of love?
There’s none

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