Endless Days | Teen Ink

Endless Days

May 12, 2010
By Anonymous

Bring an end to projects and essays.
Leave aside responsibilities. Oh!
I long for endless days.

I am stuck in a this phase
of never-ending woe.
Life seems, to me, a redundant maze.

To the skies above, my hands I raise.
I need an escape. I need to go.
My skin calls for the sun’s warm rays.

I close my eyes; I’m in a chaise.
I sit beneath the stars aglow
and pray that reality delays.

I am in a blissful haze.
Day passes nice and slow.
Nights stretch long beside the orange blaze.

But, time works in funny ways
and it snatches back paradise before you know.
I savor it, for it never stays.
Yet, always I’m left with memories to amaze.

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