The Battle | Teen Ink

The Battle

May 4, 2010
By tiny4luv SILVER, Maxwell, Nebraska
tiny4luv SILVER, Maxwell, Nebraska
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Struggling our hearts ache for the unknown.
Ache to find might be the truth,
but we’re hardened like the solid stone.
Always wanting to search for something new
but we try and push things our own way.
Instead of looking actually looking those who stray.

Struggling our hearts hide what they want to say.
It entraps our thoughts in our pocket-sized minds.
We find ourselves beaten with what we display
and loose what we really wanted after time.
We drown our love with stains,
instead of looking actually looking at our pain.

Struggling our hearts find what we really need.
But it stays hidden deep within,
instead of letting what we want be.
We let others choose the way we bend.
Let them in us and let them dig,
instead of looking actually looking with in.

Struggling our hearts want so much more.
Tired of being cold and stern,
but try searching for a new door.
Our hearts burn and burn,
we search for a door that does not exist,
instead of looking actually looking at what we’ve missed.

Struggling our hearts have a knowledge.
We know what will hold us together.
We get tangled in the foliage,
but untangled by what we remember.
We search for a simple being,
instead of looking actually looking for the real meaning.

Struggling our hearts hide what we want
and everything were really feeling,
instead of releasing all our thoughts.
We let the world runaway stealing,
the way we really want it.
Instead of looking actually looking for the outside target

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