My Childhood Memories | Teen Ink

My Childhood Memories

October 10, 2007
By Anonymous

I am from the Military
from moving a lot to changing friends
I am from big bug-eyed glasses
from being made fun of to fitting in
I am from the carpeted gym
from being the jump-rope queen to the dodge ball champion

I am from pink cupcakes
from smeared icing to balloon fights
I am from being a princess
from fake nails to pretty, pretty dresses
I am from the brand new playground
from the hopscotch game to running from twin boys with boogers

I am from a world of pain
from being hit in the head with a three inch rock to hit in the ear with a football
I am from Mexican culture
from eating real Tex-Mex to being in a Quinceañera
I am from a life that changes
from being well known to who is the new girl?

I am from these memories
that have titled me, unique.

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