Locking up a heart | Teen Ink

Locking up a heart

April 19, 2010
By MasterRabbit SILVER, Kemp, Texas
MasterRabbit SILVER, Kemp, Texas
9 articles 3 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
That's the trouble with being me. At this point, nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they'd be like, 'Yeah, big deal. I'd eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you're pulling down.'
Jim Carrey quote

hearts break love is made and
then blood turns to jade

false love forms to come and torment the helpless

its all a conformant to lock a heart and make it dormant
its something i cant do
and i wont do
ive got better things to do besides pray on the helpless

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