The True | Teen Ink

The True

April 20, 2010
By Anonymous

Some can say that life is great,

For others life is what they hate.

They don’t like it much at all,

They think others don’t care when they fall.

Who’s to say that they’re not correct?

Life is never what you’d expect.

Some people have nothing and others too much,

Some will break down with every touch.

Few are thankful and many over-look,

The simple path in life they took.

They expect the best and come out wrong,

Attention is short and days run long.

Not all people are the same,

There are those who are responsible,

And those who blame.

A simple perspective can change a thought,

Either something you thought of,

Or something you’ve been taught.

People just think they can’t do a thing,

But if you put your mind to it,

You can accomplish anything.

In darkest of thoughts think to yourself,

I feel the same as someone else.

Millions of people,

At least two can relate,

You can always find someone to share a debate.

Life doesn’t last long,

So love it while you can,

Because you never know when your hour glass will run out of sand.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 10 2010 at 7:14 pm
Egyptiangirl13 GOLD, Kansas City, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 498 comments

Favorite Quote:
\"either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. -Benjamin Franklin

\"If columbus would have turned back, no one would have blamed him. No one would have remembered him either.\"

\"If music be the food of love, play on.\"

Wow this poem rocks. It has a great rythem, ending, and meaning. I've read alot of peoms about how life is too short but the way you wrote yours stands out!!! Keep on writing!!! (How long did it take for them to post your peom?-I submitted 5 today and yesterday and i was wondering...) BTW, Keep writing!!!