Peaceful, silent | Teen Ink

Peaceful, silent

October 3, 2007
By Anonymous

Peaceful, silent
hidden amidst the bustle of a college town
humans, situated closely together
yet not a sound is heard
amidst the houses on Plantation Road.

Empty, deserted
underused yet worn by weather
a road barely wide enough for one vehicle
four yellow lines and a rusty drain
amidst the houses on Plantation Road.

Wondering, thinking
leaning against a mossy stone wall
a grandfather ponders in the silence
those who have lived behind closed wooden doors
amidst the houses on Plantation Road.

Tapping, Panting
soaking up the sunlight on his back
a jogger glances into shaded glass windows
uttering breath not words
amidst the houses on Plantation Road.

Quiet, still
A flower frail in the midday breeze
softly giving way to the wind
it is silent once again
amidst the houses on Plantation Road.

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