Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

May 21, 2008
By Anonymous

I don’t know what I’d be without you. You are my spark that lights up my way. You cause my path to be very bright. Without you id be very cold instead of hot or dark instead of bright.

I don’t know what I’d be without you. You cause me to move like a river. You make me calm and cool. You always lead me in the right direction. Without you I don’t know where I’d be.

I don’t know what I’d be without you. Things are a breeze when I’m around you. My words move swiftly when I’m around you. Without you things would be hard for me.

I don’t know what I’d be without you. When I’m near you I can soar as high as I want. When I’m near you no one can stop me from succeeding. Without you I would be nothing.

Without you I am nothing. Without you I am boring. Without you I am not happy. Without you I would be alone. I wouldn’t be me without you. Without you I would have nothing.

With you I am everything. With you I am unique. With you I am funny. With you I have friends. With you I am someone. With you I can be what ever I want to be. With you I am happy.

You are my family. You are my friends. You are nature. You are animals. You are insects. You are outer space. You are food. You are plants. You are everything around me

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