Orphaned Sock | Teen Ink

Orphaned Sock

May 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Curse the snagged, frayed edges of this orphaned sock.
Searching whispers a silent prayer
Its tattered partner now a ghostly mock.

Imagined companion of my simple frock,
Its beauty worthy to share.
Curse the snagged, frayed edges of this orphaned sock.

Seeking among its' cotton flock,
Refusing to meet my diligent stare.
Its tattered partner now a ghostly mock.

Unerring eyes, this flightless hawk
With persistent, knowing glare.
Curse the snagged, frayed edges of this orphaned sock.

Time advances on the bedside clock.
Continue the hunt, should I dare?
Its tattered partner now a ghostly mock.

Disappointed, defeated, unable to talk.
Distance severs the pair.
Curse the snagged, frayed edges of this orphaned sock.
Its tattered partner now a ghostly mock.

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