Black | Teen Ink


May 20, 2008
By Anonymous

A place to escape to when nothing feels right

The shadow that walks beside you like a companion

The eclipse that blocks us from our hopes and dreams

That thing that we can’t get away from, no matter how hard we struggle

The lonely road that we walk throughout our lives

Disease that takes the life of innocent people each day

The coffin that swallows the ones we love

The sorrow and mourning we feel for those lost

The war we fight everyday of our lives

Fear, racing through our bodies, giving us the chills

The loneliness hiding in our hearts, waiting to be found

The mask that people put on everyday that conceals their inner being

The nothingness that drowns us and refuses to let go

The endlessness that consumes us

Looking through open doors and searching for something, anything

The blackness when we shut those doors.

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