Anna | Teen Ink


October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

Long blond hair, petite
Perfectionist, sarcastic, clever
Sister of two infuriating siblings
Daughter of the protective Robin B. and Todd B.
Who loves Dr. Pepper, shopping, and her marvelous friends
Who fears being alone, creepy 8 legged crawlers, and the eerie night
Who wishes to grow 5 inches, be wealthy, and become a senator or lawyer
Who creates laughter with her friends, trouble for her parents, and smiles for everyone
Who wonders what tomorrow brings, if wishing on a shooting star comes true, and what her purpose is in the world is
Who dreams of becoming famous, living in Paris, and wearing couture
Who hates cleaning her bedroom, red meat, and writing
Who believes if it’s meant to be, it will be

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 25 2011 at 7:06 pm
LarztheSquirrel BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

great poem are you describing yourself?????

check out my work

oh and i also had a question is this all supposed to be one sentence??? or multiple sentences