Fly Fast | Teen Ink

Fly Fast

May 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Now blaze the days

Where sunken sorrow hems

In the hollow of a silent grave

Below the glint of a piercing dream;

Lies need no light to grow

And up creeps the silent stems

So beautiful, soft as emerald dust

You linger near

You pace the earth

Child don’t give unto that easy frown

Quiet the drone

Dry the tear

Child your sorrow grows from the corps of fear

Breathe in the misted light of the golden ream

Suspended in the gowns of the sky; your highest dream

Torching as a beacon in the swallow of dizzy dark

Sing out, sing loud

Fly fast, tear from the needles of your past

As you grow near, the flame hums, licking warmth alas

Around the world, your own voice you hear

And when the world stops spinning, child

On the walls your words appear

Glinted by the flaming dream of which you’ve pulled so near:

‘Blaze the sorrow,

Breathe for today -

Sleep into the next tomorrow!’

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