Revolution | Teen Ink


May 19, 2008
By Anonymous

We’re such a revolution, you and I
Apples, oranges, pears of my eyes.
You stole your papa’s car and we took off down the loneliest road
There were fireworks when we got there
All of the people held up peace signs,
You bought me a necklace made of colored beads
We watched the concert on the rooftop
The one that was broadcasted on TV.
Hands clapping to the beat
We took a seat in the highest cloud
And saw the canons fly
Steaks of silver and gold shined like rockets in our eyes
We read aloud stories that splurged taboo
Saying that life was nothing but a stew
Playing old guitars, vintage drums, and ukuleles
Little paper canoes set sailing.
Love, love, love.
We sewed together past memories, present moments
and future dreams. How’s the world going to be? solid or liquidy?
I want to know but I really don’t want to know.
Sitting on colorful rugs, holding hands with strangers
Minds eloped.
Rock ‘n’ roll held both our souls,
The blues it gave us closure till we laughed,
Stealing all the street signs,driving past the yellow lines,
we flew like wild birds past the lights that told us to stop.
Not waiting our turns, doesn’t really matter
Hearts are still pumping strawberry blood.
Love, love, love.
We yearned to turn the world around,
Turning into loose balloons, forgotten kites
and parachutes that never let the wind hinder their dance.
Holding hands, we carved our names into the land set our footprints in the sand, leaving concrete dreams behind.
We'll stare into the sun until waterfalls come.
There were fireworks when we left there,
All of the people held up peace signs.
We’re such a revolution, you and I.


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