Flashback | Teen Ink


March 29, 2010
By kni23 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
kni23 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flashback to childhood. I slam the door
and run to the bed, snatching and pulling soft, light
sheets over my head. It was probably something ridiculous, but at the time it seemed vital. Tear drops
soak the pillow. I could cry for hours back then, before I was able to calm down.
I whimper quietly to myself. I take a slow breath.
I peek from under the covers out the window as evening paints the mountains purple.

Flashback to game day. Knees are bruised, blue and purple
as my father helps me through the door.
Grass glistening with morning light
hid the rock. My dad brushes away drops
of blood and holds my arms to help me sit down.
It seems so long ago, when we had been close. It stings less and less with each breath.

Flashback to sweet sixteen. Something without feeling or breath
could not have so much life. Sparkling purple
in the sunshine, I could sense the power contained behind its heavy door.
But it was not just the tires and head lights
that lit my path. It was the people it carried, that I would pick up and drop
off. These were the friends always with me, relentlessly, through the ups and downs.

Flashback to spring of senior year. It’s a long drive down
to the mall, where department stores are spritzed with perfume so thick we have to hold our breath.
Rainbows of dresses line the walls. I never knew there were so many shades of purple.
The mirror on the dressing room door
makes us look skinny. The warm light
makes us look tan. Beneath my feet, the carpet is a sea of fallen sparkles and beads that shine like frozen rain drops.

Flashback to that time when time stood still. My heart drops.
But it’s like I’m falling up and not down.
When he leans in close, I can feel on my skin the tingling of his breath.
Outside, the winter air freezes my lips purple.
But behind these closed doors,
he can melt my fingers within his, in the glow of the silken moon light.

Spring forward into the future. The time of you. I never expected you to be so light.
A little angel with green eyes bright and sweet as gumdrops,
floating like a cloud on those pillows made of down.
I will hold you forever and guard your every breath.
Cheeks are pink, toes are purple.
For now I will hold you, while the world waits patiently for you on the other side of the door.

I’ve been down the road of life, been through doors of dark and light. I’ve climbed those hills
and leapt from that steep drop, watching the world fly by in streaks of purple and gold.
My memories: make them yours. It’s your turn. Take a deep breath, and begin.

The author's comments:
Some is true, some is not. I'll leave it up to your imagination.

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