Stars | Teen Ink


March 23, 2010
By AValentine SILVER, Plano, Iowa
AValentine SILVER, Plano, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Never seen by day,
always seen by night.
You fill me as I lay
with unpredictable delight.

I can feel the world turn
as I stare up at you
and I have hours to burn
or until the owls last "who."

For then, I won't see you
and all your twinkling pleasure
because I love what you do
at an unbelievable measure.

As the day comes to start
you will be missed.
The sun will keep us apart
like Romeo and Juliet after they kissed.

When I see you, I say goodnight.
When I don't, I say good morning
but you are an incredible sight
that is, until sailors warning.

The author's comments:
I absolutely love looking up at the stars at night. They always stop me and make me freeze out in the cold but it's worth every second of it.

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