The Struggles of Being a Senior | Teen Ink

The Struggles of Being a Senior

March 2, 2010
By Katy Barnes SILVER, Sturgis, Michigan
Katy Barnes SILVER, Sturgis, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a senior now
I have gone to school for twelve years, holy cow!
Now, I spend my days filling out college apps
And taking hard classes like A.P. Stats
No more learning my numbers
I spend my class periods in slumbers
No more telling time
Or learning that 10 pennies equals 1 dime
One thing I have learned is to drive
Another is to strive
I think about going home all day
And by that time, I’m so tired all I want to do is lay
Now I’m sick all the time
It feels like I’m sucking on a lime
You see, I have this thing
Much worse than a bee sting
Something far more unbearable than if God himself were to smite us
This thing I have is called senioritis

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