Sleepy Girl | Teen Ink

Sleepy Girl

March 2, 2010
By Katy Barnes SILVER, Sturgis, Michigan
Katy Barnes SILVER, Sturgis, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hair lay askew atop her head,
Her stomach roared as it needed to be fed,
Her sleepy eyes greeted strangers with enthusiasm,
Her eyelids were stuck in spasm,
Her layered comfy clothes screamed relaxation,
What a sleepy situation,
Light radiated off her shiny face,
Dear God get me out of this place,
Her brown eyes pierced the soul of anyone daring to glance at her,
The eyebrows bunched atop her eyes like patches of fur,
Her finger nails teased your eyes with the color of sea foam,
Her appearance led you to groan,
The aroma of bed bugs crawled out from behind her sleepy stares,
If she caught you looking at her you would receive glares,
In a ball you must curl,
Go back to bed Sleepy Girl!

The author's comments:
I wrote this after two days in a car with my family. It is about the effects not bathing and road trips have on teenage girls.

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