Dear Friend | Teen Ink

Dear Friend

March 1, 2010
By Katy Barnes SILVER, Sturgis, Michigan
Katy Barnes SILVER, Sturgis, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember that time when we ate pizza on the roof,
When you told your mom what I said, you goof!
When we had nerf gun wars in the church basement,
Me talking, then you talking, then me saying, "That’s what I meant."
Adventures in Mackinaw, a day on the Island,
What about the time we had matching rings, the ones with a big ol’ diamond.

Friends forever, your younger than I,
We always talk, hardly ever get any shuteye,
What about all those plans we make and you answer, “We shall see.”
I thought the last thing you’d want to do was hang out with me,
Turns out, you thought the same thing, but here we are,
Oh, remember when we laid on the trampoline, looking at that star.

As summer approaches, good things will come,
You are the only one who understands my hatred of gum,
Our time is limited now,
I’m going to college in September, holy cow,
Sunday mornings in youth group, you roll your eyes at you know who,
Then we interpretively dance, it sort of looks like messed up kung-fu.

We want to move to Italy someday,
But if we get lost along the way,
I guess Venice is fine too,
What about the way you scream when I jump out and yell BOO?
Change the world is what you always say,
We are going to make it better, someday.

You follow me through,
All those things I make you do,
I’m glad you put up with me,
But hey, you’re no picnic, trust me,
You are the only one that laughs at all my jokes,
How about a muffin to rescue you from the folks?

We haven’t been friends for all that long,
Maybe we have enough stories to write a song,
But you always say,
You will write that book someday.

Next year will be different that’s for sure,
It may never again be as it were,
But we will still be friends forever,
No doubt about that, it won’t end, nope not ever,
Thanks for being my friend,
You have helped me make it through,
This friendship sure is true.

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